No último dia 10 de outubro, o Excelentíssimo Conselheiro da Corte Real e membro do Conselho de Acadêmicos Sênior, Sheikh Dr. Saad bin Nasser Al-Shathri, recebeu o Vice-Presidente do Centro de Divulgação do Islam para América Latina, Ali Saifi, em Riad, Arábia Saudita.
Na oportunidade, Ali convidou, oficialmente, dr. Saad para participar da 35ª Conferência de Muçulmanos da América Latina e Caribe, que acontecerá entre os dias 18 e 20 de novembro, em São Paulo. Participarão mais de 100 personalidades de toda a América Latina e Ilhas do Caribe. O tema da conferência deste ano será sobre “Questões de paz, tolerância e convivência nas sociedades muçulmanas”.
Durante o encontro, dr. Saad comentou do papel fundamental do sr. Hajj Ahmad Ali Saifi, fundador e presidente do Centro Islâmico no Brasil e na América Latina. Segundo o conselheiro, Hajj Ahmad foi um idealizador importante e essencial na comunicação do islamismo para o Brasil e América Latina. Sua garra, seu carisma e sua humildade fizeram com que as pessoas conhecessem o real valor da história da comunidade muçulmana em todo o mundo. Ainda ressalta: “sua contribuição é imensurável e de grande valor para todos os muçulmanos. Com sabedoria e carisma levou mensagens ricas sobre nossa cultura, crença e valores da religião muçulmana. Uma pessoa de real estima que fez e faz história por onde passa”.
Ali agradece imensamente a cordialidade e atenção concedida do dr. Saad e os aguarda no evento.
Sheikh Saad Bin Nasser Al-Shathri welcomes Ali Saifi in Riyadh
On the 10th of October, the Honorable Counselor of the Royal Court and member of the Council of Senior Scholars, Sheikh Dr. Saad bin Nasser Al-Shathri, received the Vice President of the Center for the Dissemination of Islam for Latin America, Ali Saifi, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
On the occasion, Ali officially invited Dr. Saad to participate in the 35th Conference of Muslims from Latin America and the Caribbean, which will take place between the 18th and 20th of November, in São Paulo. More than 100 personalities from all over Latin America and the Caribbean Islands will participate. The theme of this year’s conference will be “Issues of Peace, Tolerance and Coexistence in Muslim Societies”.
During the meeting, Dr. Saad commented on the key role of Mr. Hajj Ahmad Ali Saifi, founder and president of the Islamic Center in Brazil and Latin America. According to the counselor, Hajj Ahmad was an important and essential creator in the communication of Islam to Brazil and Latin America.
His determination, his charisma and his humility made people know the real value of the history of the Muslim community around the world. He also emphasizes: “his contribution is immeasurable and of great value to all Muslims. With wisdom and charisma he carried rich messages about our culture, beliefs and values of the Muslim religion. A person of real esteem who made and makes history wherever he goes”.
Ali is immensely grateful for the cordiality and attention given by Dr. Saad and awaits them at the event.
ستقبل معالي المستشار بالديوان الملكي وعضو هيئة كبار العلماء فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور سعد بن ناصر الشثري الأستاذ علي أحمد الصيفي نائب رئيس مركز الدعوة الإسلامية بأمريكا اللاتينية وذلك بالعاصمة الرياض يوم الإثنين ١٠ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢ م .
وحمل نائب رئيس مركز الدعوة الإسلامية في أمريكا اللاتينية لمعالي الدكتور دعوة رسمية للمشاركة في المؤتمر الخامس و الثلاثين لمسلمي أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي والمقرر أن يعقد في مدينة ساو باولو البرازيلية خلال الفترة من 18 إلى 20 نوفمبر المقبل وذلك بمشاركة أكثر من 100 شخصية من كل أنحاء أمريكا اللاتنية وجزر الكاريبي .
كما تباحث الطرفان حول مخرجات المؤتمر الذي سيتناول موضوع (مسلمو أمريكا في مواجهة ظاهرة الكراهية) مما يخدم قضايا السلم و التسامح و التعايش لدى المجتمعات المسلمة .
وفي ختام اللقاء تبادل معالي الشيخ الدكتور سعد بن ناصر الشثري والأستاذ علي أحمد الصيفي نائب رئيس مركز الدعوة الإسلامية بأمريكا اللاتينية الدروع التذكارية .